Judul : “Teaching English in Artificial Intelligence Era: A Comprehensive Guide to Theory and Practice”
Kepengarangan :Dedi Sofyan, Syafryadin, Abdul Yongky Syaputra, Algrin Hayadi, Dedi
Efrizal, Hanura Febriani.
Sinopsis :
Book Teaching English in Artificial Intelligence Era: A Comprehensive Guide to Theory and Practice.
This work is a collective effort to examine the latest studies related to English language teaching in the AI era which examines
it comprehensively in study discourse and practice. The current development of Artificial Intelligence in interactive and global
technological developments offers new opportunities and challenges in relation to the study of English language learning.
ISBN : -
Kertas : HVS 75 Gram
Ukuran : 14,8 x 21 cm / Glossy
Jumlah hal : BW ; + vi + 230 hlm.